Super Strong Clamp with Gooseneck Felx Arm with Copper Spigot Nut YA418

Super Strong Clamp with Gooseneck Felx Arm with Copper Spigot Nut YA418

★ This is a 1/2 inch / 13cm diameter, 20" 50cm long goose neck with heavy duty metal clamp at one end and a spigot with a 1/4" male thread at the other.

★ This accessorie will clamp onto almost anything within the width limit of the clamps, and is designed to support a wide variety of small cameras, flashguns, small lamps and photographic accessories , at many different angles.

★ This accessor is perfect for close-up photography at many different angles, products photography, to take along on vacations, in the car, hiking or whenever a third hand is needed.

★ Strong, goose neck arm with metal clamp for attachment on tube or any object 

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